To find someone who will love you for no reason and to shower that person with reasons is the ultimate happiness. So, here are some tips to care for the harsh skin of grooms in their ongoing busy schedule of work because if you expect your bride to look beautiful then you should also become a reason for her happiness.
1. Wash up: For the rough skin of boys, soap and water will not be enough. They must use exfoliator and cleanser as well for a glowing skin and to protect the skin from daily pollution and to see an extra polish on your skin in some days.
2. Drink up: Start an eight glasses water routine in your daily schedule for a rejuvenated skin. It also helps in detoxification of the skin and body as well for the preparation of your big day.
3. Seasonal skincare: Do you face redness and dry skin in summers? Wear a sunscreen ahead of the summer wedding to avoid looking too flushed up in the wedding photos or avoid onset of winter skin by introducing moisturizer well in advance.
4. Practice makes perfect: Try shaving a few times to take a note of how long, or average, it takes for you to get to optimum wedding day stubble.
5. Shaper shave: A straight razor gives the cleanest shave, so if you want a sharper and clean beard look for your wedding day, book a barber of choice. Talk about your hair growth and some kind of irritation on your skin due to shaving to your barber.
6. Brow down: Pluck any stray hairs between your eyes a couple of your days before your wedding. Avoid plucking hair from the inner and outer of your eye line. Use a trimmer for a pain free tidying.
7. Hands and feet: Does your other half constantly harass you over rough hands and not kept toenails. Put the man in manipedi and treat them to polish salons and soft skin on your wedding night. If you are afraid of regular salon visits so, you can also opt for a better salon on the date of wedding.
8. Waxing: If you are aware about your busy hair at the other half of your body, it might be a good gesture to give it a shear before the wedding. But only do from a reputable salon and must follow their after waxing instructions for a better result on your wedding day.
9. Hangover cure: If you bit the bar heavy before your wedding day, it will be shown in your face. Put cold packs on your face(like cucumbers) and use some really rich moisturizer to try to put a little sparkle back to your skin.
10. Power tools: Whether you splash out on professional cuts, shaves, facials, massages and mani-pedis ahead of your wedding, or do it yourself at home, do your research. Invest in good quality tweezers, trimmers, razors and products, or check the reviews and go to a reputed salon. A little attention and a little money will definitely make a difference.
Be your best and shine on your big day with some attention and care to your skin. Visit your nearby GLAM STUDIO’S Salon for a better result and to charm as a groom with your beautiful bride. Be the prince charming of her life.